A review of the clinical studies that tested the benefits of evening primrose oil or EPO for treating premenstrual syndrome or PMS symptoms shows that the benefits of EPO are negligible, and thus concluded that evening primrose oil does not work for treating PMS. The Problem of PMS The premenstrual syndrome is not an uncommon experience for women, as it is estimated that almost eighty-five percent of all women in America experience at least one PMS symptom every month. The number and severity of the symptoms vary however with each woman. But in general, the common PMS symptoms have been identified as acne, swollen breasts, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, migraines, backaches, increase in appetite, cravings for sweets or salty food, inability to concentrate, forgetfulness, anxiety, depression and irritability. Although the use of evening primrose oil has been recommended as an effective and natural way to alleviate and manage the said PMS symptoms, clinical studies have proven otherwise. Evening Primrose Oil and Other Herbal Supplements Many herbal supplements are touted for being able to treat or manage the symptoms of PMS that afflict women during their monthly menstrual cycles. However, studies have shown that these supplements are of little benefit [...]